Hare, there, everywhere.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Clear skies and sunshine

When I was in Morocco, a young man who could speak fluent Arabic, French, English and Berber claimed to have the secret to learning many languages: "Be unemployed,” he told me. “Without a job you have a lot of time to learn."

I must have missed something because the stretch I had without a job brought me no nearer to linguistic brilliance.

But I dare say, if I had time on my hands, I might instead be enjoying some peace and quiet. My most vivid memory of Geneva is sitting by the lake and enjoying the scenery. It was the social norm – on fine sunny days, everyone was there. An ex-schoolmate recently sent me an email concerning sharing of poetry, and in response, I decided to write something to remember that communal spirit of taking a moment to appreciate life:

The Sunshine Collective

The brevity of flowers in the summer
Deters not the arrival of pots upon pots
As the planter of life, the gardener
Lays out the rows of fresh plots
The varieties growing by the hour

They sway in unison with the breeze
Delicate petaled heads held high
Such cordiality solely to please
As visitors mill idly and sit by
For the season's declaration of colour

November 2019

 A record of that scene - sometime in 2016. 

With a string of exams I took just over, I hope for my outlook ahead to be similarly idyllic.

Happy December!

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